Beginner's Guide To Start A Dropshipping Business In 2024

Beginner's Guide To Start A Dropshipping Business In 2024

Getting Started with Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a great way to dip your toes into the world of e-commerce without breaking the bank. While dropshipping can be a fantastic business model, it's not just about picking products and watching the money roll in. It's about creating a brand that resonates with your audience. That's where the real magic happens.

When you start your dropshipping venture, you're not just selling products; you're building a business from the ground up. It's exciting, challenging, and yes, sometimes a bit overwhelming. But trust me, it's worth it.

One of the coolest aspects of dropshipping is the flexibility it offers. You can run your business from anywhere with an internet connection. It's a level of freedom that traditional businesses just can't match.

It takes time to build a successful business, but with persistence and the right strategies, you can create something truly special.

So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey?

Choosing Your Niche and Products

First things first: deciding what to sell. This step can make or break your dropshipping journey, so let's approach it strategically.

Researching profitable niches: Start by exploring markets that excite you. Use tools like Google Trends to identify rising interests. Remember, the sweet spot lies where your passion meets market demand. In 2024, I'm seeing a surge in eco-friendly products and tech gadgets, but don't be afraid to carve out your unique space.

Once you've narrowed down your niche, it's time to find those winning products. I love browsing AliExpress and Amazon's bestseller lists for inspiration. Look for items with a healthy profit margin and manageable competition. Pro tip: consider seasonal trends and emerging technologies when making your selections.

Now, to find a winning product, there are certain characteristics you need to look for. Trust me, I've been through the trial-and-error phase, and these are the golden nuggets I've picked up along the way:

  1. Problem-solver: Your product should address a real pain point. People are always looking for solutions, so if you can offer that, you're halfway there.
  2. Not available in local stores: This is where we dropshippers shine! Find something that's hard to get locally but has a solid demand online.
  3. Proven demand: Check if others are selling it successfully. It's a good sign if there's already some traction in the market.
  4. The "wow" factor: This is huge! Your product should make potential customers go, "Oh wow, that's interesting!" It doesn't have to be visually stunning (though that helps), but it should be unique or innovative in some way.
  5. Potential for virality: In our social media-driven world, products that are shareable or conversation starters can really take off.

If you want to dive deeper into this, I've put together a comprehensive guide on how to find a winning product. It's packed with insider tips and tricks that I've learned from years in the game.

Now, here's the kicker – finding a potential winner is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you test the product the right way. This is where a lot of newbies stumble, but don't worry, I've got your back.

With Persuva's features, you're well-equipped to nail your product testing. The best part? You can start for free. It gives you the tools to create persuasive ad copy, analyse your target audience inside-out, growth strategies and more.It's like having a seasoned dropshipper in your corner, guiding you through the process.

Remember, success in dropshipping isn't just about the product – it's about how you position and market it. So, don't be afraid to experiment, learn from each attempt, and keep pushing forward. We've all been there, and with the right approach and tools like Persuva, you're setting yourself up for success.


Setting Up Your Shopify Store

Now that you've got your product ideas, it's time to bring your store to life.

While there are several options out there, I've got to say, Shopify is where it's at. It's no surprise that it's the #1 choice for us dropshippers.

That being said, it's important to understand the alternatives and how they compare. The main contenders in the e-commerce platform arena are:

  1. Shopify: My top recommendation for beginners.
  2. WooCommerce: Great if you're already familiar with WordPress.
  3. BigCommerce: Another solid option with some unique features.
  4. Amazon: A bit different, as it's a marketplace rather than your own site, but worth considering.

Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to running a dropshipping store. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs, technical skills, and business goals.

Now, let me tell you why I recommend Shopify to start with:

  1. Ease of use: It's incredibly user-friendly, even if you're not tech-savvy.
  2. Dropshipping-friendly: It integrates seamlessly with most dropshipping apps and suppliers.
  3. Tons of apps: Whatever functionality you need, there's probably an app for it.
  4. Scalability: As your business grows, Shopify grows with you.
  5. Support: Their customer service is top-notch, which is crucial when you're just starting out.

Shopify's combination of ease of use, dropshipping-specific features, and robust app ecosystem makes it the ideal starting point. It allows you to focus on what really matters - finding great products and marketing them effectively - rather than getting bogged down in technical details.

Remember, the platform is just a tool. What really matters is how you use it to build your dropshipping empire. So, choose the one that feels right for you, and let's get that store up and running!

First things first, head over to Shopify and sign up for their 14-day free trial. It's a no-brainer way to test the waters without committing a dime. During setup, you'll choose a unique store name – make it catchy and relevant to your niche. Pro tip: brainstorm a few options before settling on one.

Now, let's talk about why Shopify is the go-to for so many of us:

  1. Tons of apps: Whatever you need, there's probably an app for it. From product sourcing to marketing tools, Shopify's app store is like a candy shop for e-commerce entrepreneurs.
  2. Lightning-fast speed: In our world, every second counts. Shopify stores load quickly, which means better user experience and potentially higher conversion rates.
  3. Free themes: First impressions matter in e-commerce, especially when using a dropshipping model. Shopify offers a range of sleek, professional-looking free themes. Choose one that aligns with your brand and niche. My advice? Start with a free theme and invest in a premium one once you're generating consistent sales.
  4. User-friendly interface: Even if you're not tech-savvy, Shopify makes it easy to set up and manage your store. It's like they designed it with us dropshippers in mind.
  5. Scalability: As your business grows, Shopify grows with you. You won't need to switch platforms as you scale up.

Setting up your store is just the beginning, but with Shopify, you're starting on solid ground. Remember, the platform is just a tool – it's what you do with it that counts. So get creative, experiment with different layouts and features, and make your store stand out.

Finding Reliable Dropshipping Suppliers

Alright, let's talk about a crucial step that can make or break your dropshipping business: choosing the right supplier. Trust me, I've been through the ups and downs, and I've got some insights to share.

First off, in 2024, CJ Dropshipping and Eprolo are solid options to kickstart your journey. These platforms have been gaining traction in the dropshipping community, and for good reason. They offer a good balance of product variety, reasonable shipping times, and decent customer service.


Now, let's address the elephant in the room: AliExpress. It's been a go-to for many dropshippers, including myself when I started out. It can work well, especially with its vast product selection and easy-to-use interface. However, let's keep it real – shipping times can be a bit of a rollercoaster.

In an age where Amazon Prime has set the bar with 1-3 day shipping, waiting weeks for a product isn't going to cut it.

I've also had my fair share of headaches with AliExpress suppliers. Disputes over customer refunds or products damaged during shipping can be a real pain. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad, but these are factors to consider. That's why I'd probably rank AliExpress as my third choice these days.

Here's a pro tip: Once you've got your feet wet and start seeing some consistent sales, consider moving to dropshipping agents. These guys can source products for you at better prices and often with improved shipping times. But that's a move for down the road – let's not get ahead of ourselves.

For now, as you're starting out, stick with CJ Dropshipping, Eprolo, or AliExpress. Each has its strengths, and you'll learn a ton about supplier management whichever you choose.

Remember, evaluating suppliers isn't just about prices. Look for good communication, consistent product quality, and reliable shipping. It's about building a relationship that can grow with your business.

And hey, don't forget to leverage those Shopify apps we talked about earlier. There are some great ones that integrate with these suppliers, automating a chunk of your workflow. It's all about working smarter, not harder, right?

Starting a dropshipping business today is all about finding your unique angle in a competitive market. Take your time with these initial steps – they're setting the foundation for your future success.

And remember, every successful dropshipper has been where you are now. We've all had our supplier hiccups and shipping nightmares. It's part of the journey, and you've got this!

Running Your Business

Alright, you've got your Shopify dropshipping store up and running - awesome job! Now, let's dive into the day-to-day operations that'll keep your business humming along smoothly, especially if you've just started an online store. Trust me, this is where the real fun (and challenges) begin.

Managing Inventory and Orders

First off, if you're using Eprolo or CJ Dropshipping as I mentioned before, you're already ahead of the game when it comes to inventory tracking. These platforms typically provide real-time inventory updates, so you'll always know how much stock is left.

Now, if you're going the AliExpress route, you'll need to use an app to connect to it (Shopify has plenty). Once you've got that set up, you'll be able to see inventory levels as well.

Remember, in the dropshipping world, your reputation is everything. Customers don't care about your supply chain challenges – they just want their orders on time. By staying on top of your inventory and streamlining your order fulfillment, you're setting yourself up for success and happy customers.

As you grow, you might find that stock issues become more complex. But don't sweat it – that's a good problem to have! It means you're scaling up. For now, focus on nailing down these basics. Get comfortable with your chosen platform's inventory management tools, set up those automated systems, and make inventory checks a part of your daily routine.

Pricing Strategies and Profit Margins

Calculating profitable prices: Here's a pro tip for you: don't just slap on a standard markup. Consider all your costs - shipping, payment processing fees, and marketing. I aim for a 30-50% margin on most products. Remember, your dropshipping business model allows for flexibility, so don't be afraid to adjust prices as you learn what works.

Balancing competitiveness and profitability: It's tempting to undercut the competition, but trust me, the race to the bottom helps no one. Instead, focus on adding value through excellent service or unique product bundles. This strategy has helped me stand out in crowded niches.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

First things first, prompt responses are absolutely crucial. When it comes to questions about orders and shipping, speed is your best friend. Customers appreciate quick, helpful replies, and it can make the difference between a sale and a bounce.


Set up a comprehensive FAQ section on your site. Highlight shipping times prominently - trust me, most of the questions you'll get will be about when their order will arrive. By addressing these common queries upfront, you're not only saving yourself time but also improving the customer experience.

Now, let's talk about reviews. They're absolute gold in the e-commerce world. Don't be shy about asking your repeat customers for reviews. These testimonials can significantly boost your credibility and conversion rates. I've found that a simple, personalized email a week after delivery can work wonders.

When it comes to returns or refund requests, here's my philosophy: be generous, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. Craft a clear return policy and stick to it.

Tip to test: offer store credit for returns. It minimizes cash refunds and keeps customers shopping with you. Win-win!

Remember, how you handle these situations can turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one. I've had customers become loyal fans simply because of how smoothly I handled their return.

Handling inquiries and complaints is where you can really shine. Be prompt, polite, and proactive. I always recommend to try to go the extra mile - maybe throw in a small freebie or a discount on their next purchase. Remember, happy customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and leave those precious positive reviews.

I also recommend setting up email templates for common queries, use chatbots for instant responses, and consider a helpdesk system as you scale. But remember, while automation is great, nothing beats a personal touch when it really matters.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

As a beginner in dropshipping, you'll likely face some hurdles while you grow your business.

Here are a few common challenges and my tips for overcoming them:

  1. Long shipping times: Be transparent about shipping times and consider offering expedited shipping options.
  2. Quality control: Regularly order samples from your suppliers to ensure product quality.
  3. Fierce competition: Focus on niche markets and excellent customer service to differentiate your store.
  4. Marketing on a budget: Leverage social media and content marketing to build brand awareness without breaking the bank.

Running your dropshipping business in 2024 is all about staying agile and continuously optimizing your processes. Keep a close eye on your Shopify analytics dashboard, and don't be afraid to make changes if something isn't working.

With your operations running smoothly, it's time to shift gears and focus on growth. You might be wondering how to get your products in front of eager customers. Well, effective marketing can set your dropshipping business apart from the competition, even if you're just starting out.

Let's explore how to market your dropshipping store effectively and boost those sales!

Marketing Strategies

Now that your Shopify dropshipping store is up and running, it's time to get those products in front of eager customers. Marketing your store is more crucial than ever. Let's dive into some strategies that'll help you stand out in the crowded e-commerce landscape.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics

Let's talk about something that most dropshippers overlook, but can be a real game-changer: SEO. I get it, we're all focused on quick wins and immediate sales, but hear me out on this one.


It's is like planting seeds for your business. Sure, it takes time to grow, but the payoff can be huge. I know what you're thinking - "But I'm spending all my money on ads!" Exactly my point. If you can supplement that paid traffic with some organic love, you're setting yourself up for long-term success.

Now, I'm not saying you need to become an SEO guru overnight. But there are some simple things you can do that'll make a big difference:

  1. Optimize your product pages: Use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and URLs. It's not rocket science, but it works.
  2. Don't forget about images: Use descriptive file names and alt text. Google loves that stuff.
  3. Start a blog: I know, I know, another thing to manage. But trust me, creating content around your niche can drive serious traffic over time. Plus, it positions you as an authority in your space.
  4. Use tools to your advantage: Ahrefs, SEMRush, or even a tool like Lowfruits can help you find low-competition keywords. It's like having a cheat sheet for what your potential customers are searching for.

Look, I could go on about this for days (and maybe I will in a separate guide), but the key takeaway is this: don't sleep on SEO. It's a long game, but it's one worth playing.

Remember, while your competitors are burning through ad budgets, you could be building a foundation for sustainable, organic traffic. It's not an either/or situation - combine smart SEO practices with your ad strategy, and you're setting yourself up for some serious dropshipping success.

So, take a little time each week to focus on SEO. Future you will thank present you for it.

Social Media Marketing for Dropshippers

Let's talk about a strategy that's been absolutely crushing it lately: organic social media.

TikTok and Instagram Reels are where it's at right now. These platforms are like rocket fuel for dropshippers, especially if you're on a tight budget. And depending on your niche, don't sleep on Pinterest either. It's a goldmine for certain products.

Here's why I'm so hyped about this approach:

  1. Low budget, high impact: All you need is the product and a smartphone. Order a sample, get creative, and start filming. No need for fancy equipment or a big ad budget.
  2. Test the waters: It's the perfect way to see if your product has viral potential without breaking the bank.
  3. Learn from the best: Check out your competitors' accounts and videos of similar products. Look for the ones that have gone viral. Now, I'm not saying copy them exactly (wink-wink), but definitely take some inspiration. What made those videos pop? Was it the humor, the demonstration, or the way they highlighted the problem the product solves?
  4. Patience pays off: Look, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Going viral isn't an overnight thing. It might take a while... okay, probably more than a while. But when it hits? It's all worth it. The margins on organic traffic are insane.

Test at least 10-15 different videos for any given product. Mix it up with different styles, angles, and hooks. You never know which one will resonate with your audience and take off.

And hey, if you're struggling with what to say in your videos, Persuva's got your back. It can help you craft killer scripts that grab attention and drive sales.

Remember, organic social media is a great way to kickstart your business with healthy margins. But you've got to be patient and persistent. It's not about creating one perfect video; it's about consistently putting out content and learning what works.

Paid Advertising Strategies

Alright, let's talk ads - the nitro boost for your dropshipping business. If you've got some cash to spare, running ads can be a game-changer. But let me tell you, it's not just about throwing money at Facebook and hoping for the best.


First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: ad costs.

In 2024, we're looking at some pretty hefty CPMs (Cost Per Mille) on Facebook Ads, especially if you're targeting the US market. We're talking $80 CPM in some cases. Yikes, right?

That's why I recommend having at least $1k set aside for your ad budget. Trust me, you'll need it.

You're going to need to test several angles before you find one that sticks. It's like fishing - you might need to try a few different lures before you get a bite. That's why you need enough budget to sustain your testing phase.

Now, don't go thinking you can just set your ads and forget them. You need to watch those metrics like a hawk. We're talking CTR (Click-Through Rate), CPM, CPC (Cost Per Click) - these are your bread and butter. But don't stop there. Keep an eye on your View Content to Add To Cart, Add To Cart to Initiate Checkout, and Initiate Checkout to Purchase conversion rates. These will tell you if your funnel is leaking money somewhere.

I know it sounds like a lot, and honestly, we could dive into a whole guide just on ad strategy - which we'll do in another post. But for now, remember this: ads are a tool, not a magic wand. You need to use them strategically.

Persuva's audience analysis and ad copy generator features are built exactly for this kind of testing. Plus, you can find some solid growth strategies that break down testing, scaling, and all that good stuff in detail.

Remember, the goal isn't to spend money on ads endlessly. You want to watch closely and see the signs of whether it's worth pumping more cash in or if it's time to cut your losses and try a new angle/product.

Look, I've been where you are. I've blown through ad budgets faster than I'd like to admit. But with time and experience (and a lot of data analysis), you'll start to get a feel for what works. It's part science, part art, and a whole lot of patience.

Scaling and Optimizing Your Dropshipping Business

Congratulations! If you've made it this far, your dropshipping store on Shopify is likely seeing some success. Now, in short let's talk about taking your business to the next level in 2024. Scaling requires strategy, analysis. Here's how I'd recommend approaching it.

Analyzing Performance Metrics

I can't stress enough how important it is to keep a close eye on your numbers. Sales volume is great, but don't forget about margins, customer acquisition costs, and average order value. These metrics tell the real story of your dropshipping business's health.

Shopify's built-in analytics are a goldmine for beginners. I check mine daily to spot trends and make data-driven decisions. Pay special attention to your best-selling products and most profitable marketing channels.

Expanding Your Product Range

Testing new products: One of the biggest benefits of dropshipping is the ability to easily test new products. I'm always on the lookout for trending products in my niche. Sites like AliExpress Dropshipping Center ( can help you find hot items to add to your store.

Cross-selling and upselling techniques: Don't just focus on getting new customers - maximize the value of each sale. I use apps like Bold Upsell to suggest complementary products or upgrades. It's an easy way to boost your average order value without increasing marketing costs.

Automating Business Processes

As your dropshipping business grows, your time becomes more valuable. Remember, your time is best spent on high-level strategy. Consider hiring virtual assistants for customer service or social media management. Websites like Upwork are great for finding talented freelancers to help scale your business.

Improving Customer Retention

As a beginner in dropshipping, you might focus solely on acquiring new customers. However, repeat customers are often more valuable.

I've implemented a simple points-based loyalty program that encourages repeat purchases and increases customer lifetime value.

Use the data you collect to personalize the shopping experience. This could be as simple as product recommendations based on browsing history or as complex as personalized email campaigns based on purchase behavior.

As you implement these strategies, keep in mind that scaling isn't just about growing bigger - it's about growing smarter. Always keep an eye on your profit margins and don't be afraid to cut products or strategies that aren't performing.


Wow, we've covered a lot of ground in this dropshipping for beginners guide! From setting up your Shopify ecommerce business to scaling your business, you're now armed with the knowledge to start your journey in 2024. But remember, this is just the beginning of your e-commerce adventure.

Starting a dropshipping business is an exciting way to dip your toes into the world of online entrepreneurship. The low startup costs and ability to run your business from anywhere make it an attractive option for many aspiring business owners.

However, don't be fooled into thinking it's a get-rich-quick scheme. Success in dropshipping requires dedication, continuous learning, and adaptability.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is dropshipping still profitable in 2024?

Yes, dropshipping can still be profitable in 2024, but it requires smart strategy and hard work. Success depends on factors like choosing the right niche, effective marketing, and excellent customer service. While competition has increased, there are still opportunities for those who can differentiate themselves and provide value to customers.

How much money do I need to start a dropshipping business?

You can start a dropshipping business with as little as $100-$500. The main costs include setting up your Shopify store (which offers a free trial), purchasing a domain name, and initial marketing expenses. However, having a larger budget for marketing and testing products can accelerate your growth.

Can I do dropshipping with Amazon instead of Shopify?

Yes, you can do dropshipping with Amazon through their Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) program. However, Shopify offers more control over your brand and customer relationships. Each platform has its pros and cons, so research both to determine which best fits your business goals and resources.

How do I handle returns and refunds in dropshipping?

Handling returns in dropshipping can be challenging, but it's crucial for customer satisfaction. Establish a clear return policy and communicate it to customers. Many dropshippers offer store credit instead of full refunds to minimize losses.

Work closely with your suppliers to streamline the return process and consider using a returns management app to automate parts of the process, which is crucial in the dropshipping model.

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